Together for the county of Kronach

Regional development

What is the LCC doing to move the county forward?

The Lucas Cranach Campus is a university-oriented, holistic regional development project. The aim is to promote and sustainably secure the future and attractiveness of the Kronach district as a whole. The Lucas Cranach Campus is intended to advance not only the students, but the entire region. The district benefits from a strong and attractive county seat as well as from the knowledge and skilled workers that LCC brings to the companies.

The Lucas-Cranach-Campus was not simply planted on a greenfield site - for example, the beautiful buildings of the historic old town were converted to preserve Kronach's charm.

Eliminate vacancy

The LCC acts sustainably. Accordingly, the charm of Kronach is to be preserved and the city center is to be filled with life at the same time. Instead of building new on greenfield sites, existing premises (vacancies) in the city center are used and modernized.

Public places and spaces

The LCC wants to improve the attractiveness of the region holistically and thus for as many people as possible. Accordingly, public spaces (e.g. Hussitenplatz) and rooms (e.g. LCC FabLab) are being redesigned or newly developed.

Subsidized housing/create housing

Housing is a key driver of regional attractiveness. Affordability, reliable services and adequate facilities are close to the LCC's heart. To ensure this, LCC is also active in subsidized housing and provides housing not only for students but also for the general public.

Knowledge transfer

Knowledge is the fuel for innovation and thus for the future security of the Kronach district. The LCC creates various starting points that enable knowledge transfer to the region. In addition to the influx of potential specialists (graduates of the resident courses of study), the aim is a constant exchange between the university partners and regional companies and organizations, e.g. in the form of joint research and practical projects.

Your contact

Lucas-Cranach-Campus KU

Am Damm 10
96317 Kronach-Neuses