The university job fair at the Lucas Cranach Campus
The university job exchange is a platform for job offers involving 14 Bavarian universities. Students can find more than 2,000 internships, final theses and job offers here. Employers can publish internships and theses free of charge and job offers and student jobs for a fee.
In this way, the online job exchange manages to bring together students, graduates and alumni with initial work experience and companies in a way that is profitable for both sides.
Click here for the job exchange: jobboerse.lucas-cranach-campus.de
Information can be found directly on the university job exchange page: https://www.hochschuljobboerse.de/unternehmen#inserieren
The university job exchange is a special career platform that connects students, graduates and companies.
You can find more information on the website of the university job exchange: www.hochschuljobboerse.de
Your contact person
Prof. Dr. Tobias Bocklet

- Telephone: +49 911 58801186
- E-mail: tobias.bocklet(at)stiftung-lcc.de