Why does the LCC exist and what will the future bring?
The LCC is a holistic regional development project for the entire Kronach district. Since its official launch with the establishment of the LCC municipal company in 2020, much has already happened. Additional momentum comes from the LCC Foundation, which was established in 2021.
Press reports

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 04. May 2011

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 18. July 2018

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 28. November 2018

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 05. November 2019

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 26. November 2019

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 12. January 2019

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 28. December 2019

Content Creation Date: 28. December 2019

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 29. May 2020

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 24. June 2020

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 29. August 2020

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 09. January 2021

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 24. March 2021

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 03. May 2021

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 08. May 2021

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 10. May 2021

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 06. February 2021

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 22. July 2021

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 01. October 2021

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 16. December 2021

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 11. June 2022

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 28. June 2022

Source: Neue Presse
Content Creation Date: 30. June 2022

Source: Franken-Magazin
Content Creation Date: 01. June 2021

Source: Oberfränkische Wirtschaft
Content Creation Date: 01. October 2022
The history of the LCC shows that our motto Courageous - With - Doing was consistently filled with life long before it was formulated. Since the very beginning, the LCC team has been committed to breaking new, unusual ground, pulling together and consistently involving local companies and universities.
2009 | Business Day IHK Committee | The idea of Kronach as a place to study is discussed publicly for the first time. |
2010 | IHK committee visits HS Coburg | The first talks for a possible partnership are held. |
2011 | Visit to the district of Cham | The LCC team informs itself about the development of a university location. |
2012 | Foundation of the Innovation Center Region Kronach e.V. | Platform for strengthening the innovative power as well as networking of regional companies is established. |
2013 | Cabinet committee meeting at the fortress in Kronach. | IHK Oberfranken Bayreuth presents structural program, resulting, for example, in the partial relocation of the Finance Department of the University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration and Administration of Justice from Herrsching to Kronach. |
2016 | Start of ZukunftsDesign | The first degree program for Kronach starts and forms the blueprint for the innovative teaching concept of Coburg University of Applied Sciences in Kronach. |
2018 | Visit to Minister President Markus Söder | Representatives* of the Kronach district secure the support of the Bavarian state government. |
2019 | Banz I with Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Hof University of Applied Sciences | The two universities pledge their partnership and commitment to Kronach. |
2019 | County council meeting | District council meeting with presentations by the presidents of the Coburg and Hof universities and institute director Prof. Löffl on the plans in Kronach. |
2019 | Clear commitment Kronach City Council | The city of Kronach unanimously assures its support for the common goal of Kronach as a "university location". |
2020 | Foundation of LCC KU following district council resolution | The foundation of the LCC KU is jointly decided in order to actively shape the district of Kronach as a regional development project. |
2021 | Kronach becomes a university town | Now it's official - Kronach is a place to study. According to ZukunftsDesign, the study programs Autonomous Driving (HS Coburg) and Innovative Healthcare (HS Hof) start. |
2021 | LCC logo competition | The LCC also treads special paths with the logo and actively involves the population in the logo design. 581 logo designs were submitted, the LCC's first major participatory project. |
2021 | Subsidized housing | The LCC KU enters subsidized housing construction in order to be able to play an even more active role in shaping the attractiveness of the district. |
2021 | Establishment of the LCC Foundation | The LCC Foundation is established with the goal of meeting regional know-how needs and networking university partners, the region and companies. |
2022 | AI Hub Kronach | The funded project supports companies in digitization through further training and joint projects. |
2022 | Prize winner KI-Hub | In the "Land of Ideas" competition, the KI-Hub is one of ten prize winners from among 200 entries nationwide. |
2022 | LCC Campus Festival | The first LCC festival is held under the motto "The best comes to the river" with the help of local partners such as Frankenwald Card in Kronach's Jahnallee overlooking the Hasslach River. |
2022 | Applied Digital Transformation (Coburg University of Applied Sciences) | The fourth degree program starts at LCC. |
2022 | LCC FabLab | The LCC FabLab, the public workshop for everyone, opens and invites people to join in and try things out. |