The place to study for doers

The city is the campus,
the campus is the city

What does your place of study look like? Find out what you can look forward to!

The city is the campus

Ice cream parlors, restaurants, pubs, cafés, movie theaters and even your own club on a campus? At LCC this is possible, because here the city is the campus and the campus is the city. Thanks to short distances, you are always in the middle of the action.

Live close to nature

You love nature and like to do something outside? Perfect, because Kronach is not only the city with the three rivers, but also in the middle of nature. Here you can let off steam or relax. You decide.

Picturesque beautiful

You may have to get used to the cobblestones in the historic old town. They are just as much a part of the cityscape as the Rosenberg fortress towering over Kronach, the half-timbered houses or the city wall. Simply picturesquely beautiful.

Lively clubs and societies

You want to get involved and help shape or simply get to know something new, be it sports, cultural or social? Then the countless clubs in Kronach offer you many opportunities to enrich your life and society.

Site plan

Life in Kronach

Not only do three rivers flow together in Kronach - where you can relax - but there is also a lot going on here. A city waiting to be discovered and inspired by you in all its diversity.

Sporty on the move

Nature is within reach in Kronach - here you can go jogging, mountain biking or meet friends for outdoor workouts.

Swim in the Crana Mare adventure pool, play beach volleyball or simply soak up the sun - you decide. In fitness studios you can be sporty or relax in the sauna. In addition, the countless sports clubs (e.g. soccer, volleyball, basketball, baseball, tennis) are looking forward to meeting you. Are you looking for a thrill? Then off you go to gliding, as a guest or pilot - with a little more grounding you can go on the summer toboggan run or the raft trips on the Wilde Rodach. Upper Franconia is also known for its bathing lakes or the climbing paradise in Franconian Switzerland.

Go on a discovery tour and make Kronach and its surroundings your personal adventure playground!

Enjoy diversity: Gastronomy, nightlife and retail

You will find numerous pubs, cafés and restaurants in the picturesque, historic old town of Kronach. Right within the walls of the LCC there will be something special: A club for events of all kinds. Which university already has its own club? There is also much to discover in Kronach: hidden beer gardens with a special flair await you, as do the many hospitable innkeepers who will send you on a culinary journey.

Kronach is popular with shopping tourists because of its owner-operated stores. They offer you a very special shopping experience - far away from mass-produced goods. Personal, customer-oriented and with a lot of heart and soul.

And when you've watched all the series on Netflix, just drop by the cinema - just a three-minute walk from the LCC.

Celebrate festivals

For a Bavarian county seat, it was to be expected: The fifth season in Kronach is called FreischieĂźen. The Kronach shooting festival is the largest folk festival in the Franconian Forest with around 300,000 visitors on eleven festival days. A highlight, which will bring in your summer semester vacations properly swing. A highlight in the truest sense of the word is the light festival Kronach leuchtet: For three whole weeks, Kronach shines in a special light thanks to many different artists*. Supplemented by music and culinary delights, Kronach becomes a beacon for many visitors every year. At the festival Die Festung Rockt the guitars of national and international rock stars resound in Kronach. This festival shows what is possible in Kronach when more than 2,600 music fans make the fortress walls shake. In addition, there are many other large and small festivals in and around Kronach that are waiting to be discovered by you!

Namesake Lucas Cranach

Art experts know Lucas Cranach the Elder as one of the most productive painters of the Renaissance. However, the fact that he was a real multi-entrepreneur is hidden from many. The jack-of-all-trades Lucas Cranach was also a pharmacist, mayor (in Lutherstadt Wittenberg), publisher, paint manufacturer and paper merchant. Through his involvement, information and far-reaching ideas (like that of the Reformation) were able to reach many people. In the course of digitalization, this development has given rise to entirely new protagonists such as Elon Musk, Steve Jobs or Mark Zuckerberg - with Lucas Cranach, they share the desire to take the reins of action into their own hands, to shape things.

Based on advanced division of labor and prefabricated templates, countless paintings were created in his Cranach workshop. The Cranach workshop was thus an early model for the co-working and maker spaces that will facilitate a modern form of study at LCC.

Lucas Cranach was a real maker, and is therefore the perfect namesake for the Lucas Cranach Campus: He not only thought things through, but also tackled, networked, implemented and designed.


Here are some of the most common questions and appropriate answers about LCC. If your question is not included, just send us a message and we will find the answer for you.

Our cooperation partners have the possibility to post jobs on our portal at any time. You can find possible jobs here or on the bulletin boards of the study programs directly in the university rooms.

Job exchange


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A lot has already happened since the first idea of "Kronach as a university location" until today. It's been a long road that has been followed with a clear plan from the very beginning. Take a look at the path LCC has already traveled and what is still to come in the coming years.

Origin and development


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The LCC Foundation thrives on voluntary commitment. Only in this way is it possible to fulfill the diverse tasks. You can support us in the FabLab, help at events, 

LCC Foundation


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There is a lot to do at our company - you can find job openings on our job exchange.

Job exchange


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The LCC thrives on a spirit of partnership. Everyone is burning to work for the common university location Kronach as well as for the district and to make sure that the beautiful things are also seen. Together we tackle the task.

LCC introduces itself


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Companies can get involved in a variety of ways: Through lectures in courses, projects with students, joint research projects, donations, sponsoring events, company tours.... There are no limits to your creativity at LCC. Contact the LCC Foundation staff directly and develop ideas for collaboration together.

LCC Foundation


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Yes, the LCC portfolio also includes office and commercial space as well as rooms for the catering trade. Of course, the offer changes over time, so it is worth taking a regular look at the corresponding offers.

Residential and commercial space


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The LCC Municipal Enterprise has entered into subsidized housing to provide housing for all and to sustainably enhance the attractiveness of the county. Accordingly, there is also housing for the general public.


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Das LCC Kommunalunternehmen ist zuständig für die Infrastruktur unserer Hochschulpartner sowie den geförderten Wohnungsbau. Die LCC Stiftung ist Ermöglicher für die verschiedenen Partner des LCC: Hochschulen, Studierende, Unternehmen und Vereine.

LCC stellt sich vor

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Your contact person


Am Damm 10
96317 Kronach-Neuses