Holistic regional development

LCC Municipal company

University-oriented regional development and subsidized housing construction

What does the LCC KU do?

To sustainably increase the future viability and attractiveness of the entire Kronach district: the LCC is dedicated to this task in many ways. The Lucas-Cranach-Campus Kommunalunternehmen has the purpose of building up and providing the necessary infrastructure for this.

Infrastructure: getting regional development off the ground.

The LCC municipal company creates infrastructure in the two fields of action of university-oriented regional development and subsidized housing. In the area of university-oriented regional development, this includes teaching and project spaces for the university partners and apartments for students, as well as publicly accessible spaces (such as the LCC FabLab) and squares (such as Hussitenplatz). Through the locally anchored commitment to subsidized housing, apartments and commercial spaces can be offered at fair prices. This holistically enhances the attractiveness of the district as a place to live.

Board of Directors

Klaus Löffler


Bernd Liebhardt

Stellvertretender Verwaltungsratsvorsitzender

Gabriele Riedel

Geschäftsführende Vorständin

Rainer Detsch


Susanne Heinlein


Sabine Gross


Petra Zenkel-Schirmer


Hans Rebhan


Lucas Cranach Campus Municipal Enterprise Oraganigram

Your contact person

Lucas-Cranach-Campus KU

Am Damm 10
96317 Kronach-Neuses