Bachelor's degree program

Applied Digital Transformation

Boosting digital transformation

What is it about?

Sell your photos as NFTs to your followers? Drones that deliver food to your window? Machines that predict when they need to be serviced and order spare parts directly? Today, that's already yesterday's music. The digital transformation is accelerating all areas of our lives and work and is constantly producing new technologies. More and more, faster and faster: Who can still keep track of all this in order to make far-reaching corporate decisions for the future? Experts are needed who can recognize future technologies at an early stage, evaluate their relevance for companies and implement them through innovations in the company. For this to succeed, experts need to understand not only technologies, but also people. Because new technologies are rarely welcomed with open arms, despite their added value. That's why you'll also learn how to get others excited about new technologies and initiate company-wide change processes. This is the only way for companies to move from being followers to drivers of technological and social development.

What are the special features?

A course of study must be as progressive as the topics it covers. That's why you study Applied Digital Transformation differently: The sequential study structure allows you to penetrate topics in depth one after the other, carry out specific practical projects and take ONE exam at the end of each module. Only then do you move on to the next module. This is how experts are made. In addition, Applied Digital Transformation is so practice-oriented that you gain professional experience before you even have your first employment contract in your pocket: You learn from and with companies to recognize, analyze and apply technologies. You develop innovations in a team and practice business models and projects. This enables you to drive change in practice while you are still studying.

Why does this degree program exist at LCC?

If you want to make a difference, you need to know about the technologies of the future. And the people who use them. If you really want to make a difference, you're in good hands at LCC. With us, it's called Courageous - With - Doing: with progressive companies that really want to grow with you, detect new trends and implement them directly. Making is a top priority for us: In the Maker Space, you can therefore turn your ideas into prototypes and prototypes into innovations. The LCC is also home to the Master's program in Future Design at Coburg University of Applied Sciences - the perfect follow-up program for anyone who wants to remain curious after their Bachelor's degree and inspire others to change the future in a positive way.

Is this the right course of study for me?

You use digital technologies, are curious and prefer to celebrate success in a team? Then you're the perfect fit. Because Applied Digital Transformation is all about bringing people and technologies together to get the best out of them. Experts with this profile are already needed everywhere, and in a few years they will be needed everywhere. Whether you're looking for a practical course of study right after graduating from high school or want to develop your professional and career skills after completing your training - the future is made by technology. And by you. Do instead of wait, experience instead of learning by heart: Take the first step for your future. Apply now for Applied Digital Transformation.

Quickinfo study program

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Duration of studies: 7 semesters
Start of studies: Winter semester
Teaching concept: Project-based and practical with sequential study structure
Type: Full-time
Coburg University of Applied Sciences

A course of study that:

Detailed information and the possibility to apply online for Applied Digital Transformation can be found on the website of Coburg University of Applied Sciences.


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Yes, the LCC portfolio also includes office and commercial space as well as rooms for the catering trade. Of course, the offer changes over time, so it is worth taking a regular look at the corresponding offers.

Residential and commercial space


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The LCC Municipal Enterprise has entered into subsidized housing to provide housing for all and to sustainably enhance the attractiveness of the county. Accordingly, there is also housing for the general public.


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Your contact person

Prof. Dr. Christian Zagel

The LCC is waiting for you!