Bachelor program

Vocational education in the healthcare sector

Teacher at school, teacher in further and continuing education and much more is possible

What is it about?

Learn to teach! And with lots of teaching practice! Because in the part-time vocational education in healthcare course (usually 2 days a month in attendance (Fri./Sat.)) you will get fit with our help to make others fit for the healthcare sector. We place particular emphasis on medical and scientific fundamentals, specialist science (e.g. health, nursing, emergency services, therapy) and vocational education (e.g. medical education, nursing education). You will learn to understand current scientific findings, make them tangible for your students and incorporate them into your teaching. You will also be able to convey medical content didactically, particularly in the areas of anatomy, physiology, diagnostics and therapy.

It is particularly important to us that the training does not end with the lesson. For this reason, we will enable you to provide your future students with comprehensive support in their learning process. Therefore, the following applies to you during your studies: theory-led yes, but the focus is always on teaching practice, including supervision. First we accompany you, then you accompany your students. You are the future of the healthcare sector.

What are the special features?

With us, you will be prepared in a practical way to accompany learning processes - not only our experienced professors, but also our modern learning labs, where you can try out and practice many things directly. The focus is on experience-oriented and skills-based learning. Not only is the necessary specialist knowledge taught, but also additional skills such as intercultural cooperation. Skills trainer training and the POL tutor certificate (problem-based learning) are included free of charge. With us, you will gain valuable experience and qualifications for your career path.

Why does this course exist at LCC?

Everyone is talking about the shortage of skilled workers, and this is a major challenge, especially in the healthcare sector. A challenge that we want to face together with you. After all, who should train the specialists? That's right, there is also a high demand at schools in the healthcare sector. Without teachers, there are no specialists. This is exactly where the Faculty of Interdisciplinary and Innovative Sciences (INWISS) at Hof University of Applied Sciences comes in with its part-time study program. The great thing about part-time study is that the healthcare sector does not lose any specialists during your studies and you can continue to earn money. Afterwards, you can do even more for the healthcare sector because you will become a knowledge multiplier!

Our learning experience in a nutshell: studying alongside your job, in a great atmosphere at our modern Lucas Cranach Campus in picturesque Kronach, lecturers with practical relevance and the compatibility of part-time study with family, career and hobbies.

Is this the right degree program for me?

Have you ever caught yourself with a twinkle in your eye when you have something to teach others? What if you could have that feeling every day? Our part-time vocational education in healthcare course will prepare you for this. This is possible with or without an Abitur. You will need to have successfully completed training in the healthcare sector (e.g. nursing, OTA, ATA, therapy professions, paramedics, dieticians) and a university entrance qualification (e.g. A-levels or at least two years of vocational training with at least three years of full-time professional experience).

After that, many doors will be wide open to you in the healthcare sector: schools in the healthcare sector will be looking for you, as will companies (practical guidance, in-company training), universities or social organizations.

Quick info study program

Degree: Bachelor of Arts
Duration of studies: generally 7 semesters
Start of studies: summer and winter semester
Teaching concept: practice-oriented attendance studies with digital components
Type: part-time (block courses on average 1 time per month (Fri. and Sat.))
Tuition fee: Total amount: €11,690 (= €278.33 per month)
+ €126.80 student union fee per semester
Hof University of Applied Sciences



A degree program that:

Detailed information and the opportunity to apply online for Innovative Healthcare can be found on the Hof University of Applied Sciences website.


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Prof. Dr. Matthias Drossel

The LCC is waiting for you!